Wasim H. Raja, MD

How to Know If You Are a Good Candidate for a Medically Supervised Weight Loss Program

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Whether you’ve made a New Year’s resolution or just realized that excess weight is ruining your health — it’s time to get serious about weight loss. Can you do it on your own, or should you get medical help? Here’s how to decide.

You’ve tried eating less and moving more, but you’re not getting any thinner, and the scale isn’t budging. You’re not the only one frustrated by failed weight loss methods. It seems that the simple formula of fewer calories plus increased exercise should equal lost weight, but there are too many variables at work behind the scenes. 

At Orange County Healthcare Center in Fountain Valley, California, Dr. Wasim H. Raja and our team meet many patients throughout Southern California who’ve tried every known diet and exercise routine without results. When they finally come to us, they’re relieved to find that we can help.

The key to losing weight is understanding your body’s unique needs. Every person is different, and the techniques that work for one person may not work for you. Dr. Raja is an experienced, board-certified internist who specializes in diagnosing complex medical issues that may be blocking your ability to lose weight. 

Dr. Raja customizes a medically supervised weight loss plan that addresses your specific needs and keeps your overall health front and center. If you’ve struggled to lose weight with conventional and fad diets, it may be time to consider our medically supervised weight loss program at Orange County Healthcare Center. Here’s what you need to know.

Why consider a medically supervised weight loss program?

For some people, losing weight is as easy as eating a little less and moving a little more, but for most, that formula is too simplistic. Some of the multiple factors that impact weight loss include:

  • Stress
  • Mental health
  • Dehydration
  • Poor sleep quality
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Mobility issues
  • Medications

You may face several physical, environmental, and emotional barriers that block your weight loss efforts, and Dr. Raja can help you identify and resolve them, so you can approach weight loss with the best chance for success. He teaches you to understand and work with your body, giving it what it needs to process food more efficiently. 

Education is central to our weight loss program. Much of what you hear and read on social media is marketing hype designed to sell products and services. Dr. Raja helps you sift through the misinformation and gain a solid understanding of nutrition, so you can make sustainable healthy choices that last a lifetime. 

Am I a good candidate for a medically supervised weight loss program?

Not everyone needs help losing weight, but if you’re reading this, you’ve probably tried multiple methods and failed, and now you’re looking into next-level options. That’s one of the criteria for our medically supervised weight loss program. Here are some others:

  • You’re 30 pounds overweight or more
  • You have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more
  • You have weight-related health issues
  • You’re ready to commit to a new lifestyle

Medically supervised weight loss is designed for people with a significant amount of weight to lose and who are dedicated to getting healthy.

What to expect from medically supervised weight loss

It’s a common misconception that medically supervised weight loss programs are medicine-based programs. While medication may be part of your personalized plan, it isn’t necessary for everyone. Dr.Raja evaluates your health and determines the safest way to help you reach your goal of overall wellness — medication and nutritional supplements may or may not play a role.

Dr. Raja uses science-backed, evidence-based strategies that address your metabolic and health conditions and unlock your body’s ability to process food, burn fat, and lose weight.

You can also expect professional support from Dr. Raja and our staff throughout your weight-loss journey. Unlike internet diets that offer a cookie-cutter approach and leave you guessing about which meals and exercises are right for you, Dr. Raja guides you through the process with expert analyses and advice geared toward your body’s needs. 

To learn more about our medically supervised weight loss program and how it can benefit you, contact us online or by phone to schedule a consultation with Dr. Raja.